Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Dreams do come true, and God does answer prayer (often with the answer you're hoping for!)

First . . . for those who don't know . . . a bit of background. Dave's five years in the Navy was over in April. He is planning to become a Physician's Assistant in a program jointly run by Foothill College and Stanford Medical School, starting in September.

He tried to extend his enlistment to late July, but was told he had to leave the Navy in April or stay until January. He signed on until January, with the assurance from his chief that the chief would do everything he could to help Dave get out six months early (late July). On June 1, he submitted the paperwork for that request.

So now for the current news . . .

We got a wonderful call yesterday from Kelly. The apartment complex she and Dave had hoped to get into when they move here has a vacancy for them in late July. (It's only a couple miles from us - right across the street from the new Kaiser Hospital at Homestead and Lawrence.) It's a newly-remodeled apartment, and the rent is less than they'd estimated.

They were still waiting to hear whether Dave's request to get out in late July would be approved, but decided to go ahead and put down a deposit to hold the apartment.

Then this morning, Dave got the word that his request has been approved. He just called and told us his last day in the Navy is officially July 31. Kelly's last day at her job is July 10.

We are incredibly thrilled. Just peel me off the ceiling!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!