Friday, October 3, 2008

Combined Medical Engagement

We love being able to get emails from Dave, and it's a joy to also be able to share the pictures with friends and family. Here's the latest batch.

The caption on these first two pictures referred to being out with the chaplain and some of the marines on a "CME." When we googled CME to find out what it meant, we found an article about Dave's battalion. Check out the link called "CME" on the left.

Dave captioned this picture: "More of your handsome son in his MRAP (Mine-Resistant Armor-Protected)."

These are pictures of the Marines passing out bags of food to the people and of Dave hanging out with some of the locals.

Dave often provides patient transport to the Combat Stress Clinic where this donkey lives. To avoid the "No Pets" rule, the donkey's official title is "therapy tool."

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