Monday, March 19, 2007

Lizard breath and bridal shower

First the bridal shower . . .

Kelly is on a "battery recharge" trip to California, and as I write this she is driving from San Diego to our part of the state to visit family. What a blessing it is to us to now be part of her family! Wow!

Thursday night part of our church family is hosting a belated bridal shower for Kelly. Party time!

As to the lizard breath . . . .

Dave was able to squeeze in one more phone call to Kelly yesterday, and related a fun story. While he and I talked on Thursday, I was outdoors and encountered a lizard on the sidewalk. I told him about it, with fond memories of him & Scott both chasing lizards when they were kids. A day or so after our phone conversation, Dave saw a lizard poke its head up out of the sand, and he grabbed it. He was carrying it around the camp, showing it to the other guys. The lizard bit one of the Marines, who got mad, bit the lizard's head off and spit it out in the sand. Eeeewwww . . . .

On a more serious note, Dave is part of an advance party that will soon be heading to their assigned AO to check things out and get set up for the rest of the group. As corpsman, he has the "honor" of setting up the designated latrine areas. Trenches must be at least a certain distance from the sleeping area, farther from the eating area, and a specific number of feet wide/long/deep. Another eeewwww from mom!

Yesterday, this same advance party was ordered to a tent to watch a 2-hour video on IEDs, and instead they were shown the new movie "300," which was just released to theaters. Not my cup of tea, but a nice treat for the guys. :-)

There's no running water where the guys are headed, so if anyone out there is sending care packages, please include wet wipes and hand sanitizer. Thanks!

Kelly and Dave are grateful for your love and prayers. They both know it's important to put their trust in the Lord and rely on him for strength, and your prayers are a huge encouragement to them.

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