Friday, August 31, 2007

Third time's a charm

On Wednesday David called us (both home & cell), but we weren't home and didn't hear the cell phone ring.

Thursday he called again, but again we weren't home and didn't manage to pick up the cell phone in time.

So Friday (today) when he got off duty from walking post, he called when he KNEW we'd be home - 1:20 a.m. for us, 12:20 p.m. for him.

In between walking patrols and walking post (sounds like sentry duty?), David is studying hard for an oral & written exam he'll take at the end of the deployment earn his FMF (Fleet Marine Force Enlisted Warfare Specialist) pin. It's tough to study alone, as he's the only corpsman in his unit now. (Check out the FMF link to the left.)

He is very relieved to have been moved from his previous location. The group that is there now lost another Marine to an IED.

Dave said they are living in a stone house with dirt floors, but they have cots to sleep on, air conditioning (yea!), goat's milk to drink, and fresh meat to cook. And they've built a BBQ out of an old gasoline drum.

A new pair of feet is Dave's most urgent wish right now. He said his feet are really messed up with big blisters from walking patrol & post in old, dirty, stiff socks.

We are so looking forward to welcoming our "Doc" home again, and pampering him with fresh fruits & veggies, green salads, clean sheets, and being able to go barefoot if he wants! Just a few short weeks and he'll be back!

This deployment has been hard on David and Kelly, and on all of us who love them. Your continual prayers and good wishes have eased that burden tremendously. Thank you all!

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