Friday, August 17, 2007

Wake-Up Call

We had quite a surprise three hours ago. The phone rang at 1:50 a.m. and it was Dave, calling from Iraq. What a blessing, and a wonderful treat. Well worth the loss of sleep!

Dave sounded strong and in good spirits. He's making mental lists of things he wants to do, places to go, and people to visit when he gets home late next month. He and Kelly plan to make a trip to California and make the rounds (as time and energy allow). Yea! ! ! !

When he called, Dave had just finished his time on post (sounds like that means guard duty). They're doing 4 hours on, 12 hours off, plus walking foot patrols. He has also set up a mini Battalion Aid Station at their new location.

Dave again sends his thanks for all the wonderful packages, letters, motomails, and prayers. The location they're in now is even more remote than before. No mail coming in or going out at all, so no more packages. You can still send letters and motomails, and he'll get them when they get back to the big base.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is great news. Bet you cannot wait to see and hug him!