Thursday, July 31, 2008

Back in Iraq Again

Dave's battalion left on Saturday for Iraq, by way of Bangor, Maine. Just like last year, they were greeted by the Freeport Flag Ladies, who took lots of pictures and loaned cell phones to the troops so they could call their loved ones. Here's Dave mugging for the camera with two of his buds.

After a very short time in Kuwait, they pressed on to their final destination. On Tuesday morning, Kelly received a call from her hero saying that he had arrived safely. The conditions are much improved over his last deployment - he even has access to the internet and has been able to e-mail us a couple of times! Their current location has a chow hall and even some air conditioning and a recreation room. Much better, I think, than his last deployment where his first objective was to plan the latrine.

Due to the extreme climate change, a lot of the guys (including Dave) are suffering with URI issues. (That stands for Upper Respiratory Infection - and yes, Kathleen had to tell me that.)

He'd love to get cards and letters from friends and family so if you need his address, please contact us. Thank you for your prayers for both Dave and Kelly.

P.S. If you are in the mood, check out the link on the left (Military Humor).

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