Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Deployment Time . . . Again

The time we've all known was coming is now upon us. By the end of the month, Dave will be back in Iraq taking care of his Marines. Hopefully this deployment will carry with it somewhat less danger than last year's tour. Dave will be assigned to the Battalion Aid Station, rather than walking daily patrols with a rifle company. There will still be a good deal of movement, but not continuous.

Dave's great friend and Kelly's cousin, Dave Lindahn, who is an Army medic stationed in Germany, also heads for Iraq this week.

Good-byes are always painful. But Dave and Kelly have the comfort of knowing that there are so many of you out there - friends and family alike - who are encircling them with your love and holding them up in prayer. The Lord is good, and he keeps us sheltered under his wing.


Anonymous said...

We will keep praying for his safety.


Anonymous said...

Kathleen, it's great to hear the faith that underlies all your postings. No one but God can really sustain us.

I spent four weeks in May and June working for Booz Allen on a program that is connected with detection of IEDs and other kinds of terrorist activity "in the field." It's humbling to think that my little contributions to that effort will indirectly help in even a small way to protect Dave and all the rest of our heros.

I'm proud to be able to call Dave's parents my very dear friends.

Blessings to all,


Anonymous said...

Dave and Kelly are in my thoughts and prayers. May Dave return home safely and soon.